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Welcome to Wilsden

Wilsden Parish Council was established in April 2004 and elected its first councillors on June 10th, 2004. The first Council Meeting was on June 21st, 2004. The Parish Council area covers the villages of Wilsden and Harecroft and the surrounding farms and houses. A map of the council area is shown in the ABOUT WILSDEN & HARECROFT section.

The Parish Council is made up of 9 elected councillors and employs a part time Parish Clerk.  It has relatively few specific responsibilities but it has considerable powers to influence decisions by other bodies. The Parish Council usually meets every month at Wilsden Village Hall and details of future meetings are given in the MEETINGS section. All meetings are open to members of the public and allow local residents an opportunity to make representations at the start of each meeting.

This website is designed to inform the residents of Wilsden and Harecroft about the activities of their Parish Council. It also hoped that we can introduce the beauties of the area to visitors.

Please click on the logo at the top left hand corner of this Home page for the history and development of our logo.